Thursday, December 10, 2009


I go back and forth now about missing him. I have thought the past week or two about Msypacing him. But then I think, what really is the good of it. He may not respond and then I will be mad and sad again. Or he comes back and then what? We are back into our same situation, neither one of us really happy. I told him, two Virgos together would never work. I was right about something.

I was feeling particularly low one night after watching My Sister's Keeper, drinking a bottle of wine, and crying my eyes out. I started thinking about Buzz. I was thinking maybe it was my fault. Damn booze. Sure he f***ed another chick, took pictures, and sent them to me, but I'll take the blame. Somehow as women it is always our fault anyway. I logged on Myspace. He had defriended me after our last big blowout. I tried to message him but he only accepts messages from friends. I tried to friend him but he had blocked me. I gave up in a drunken haze thinking I would email him in the morning if I still felt like it. I didn't. Once again, Myspace saved me from myself.