Thursday, May 10, 2012

Past, present, future

I wrote this a few weeks ago – but I realized I don’t write as much when I am happy. I realized yesterday that I don’t love him anymore. I won’t love someone who would do that to me. Abandon me without even a word. What an asshole. I have had some douchy things done to me by men and this was the #1 worst thing a man has done to me. Not to mention everything he did leading up to just walking out. But I think I have recovered nicely. I am happy with G. He has changed for the better and I find myself falling for him the same way I did all those years ago. I am content to be with him. When I am with him I don’t want to be anywhere else. I could see him all the time and then I realize I’m being a big girl. Oh shit, I think I caught feelings.

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