Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bored Meeting

My life has been a hot mess lately. A reflection of me maybe? I'm not sure. Where do I even begin? Two years ago when I met Buzz? One year ago when I met Garrett? Right now? I was so stressed out today I broke out in a stress rash on my chest/neck area. Yes, college friends, like the ones I broke out in before any speech I had to give, my panhellenic interview, and any other praticularly upsetting circumstances. It got so bad I had to start wearing high necked shirts all the time. That's devasting, considering how amazing my clevage is. Today before the Moose meeting my boss decides to stress me out fifteen minutes before, asking me to redo 9 packets of contracts with about 20 pages each and only so fifteen minutes later, we can cross out the changes I just made and update them with the correct details. Overall it was stupid and a waste of time and diffenitely not worth a minor panic attack. One Lorezapam later, I calmed down enough to conduct the meeting. Everything went well. I just don't know why everyone in that place gets so stressed out about the most insignificant details. You would think the f*cking world was coming to an end the way everyone gets so worked up.

My day today began with a phone call from Xtina. She very rarely gets worked up and has an amazing way of being gentle while firm. I adore her. She is my better half at work and I would die with out her support. I'm sure it takes a lot to be confined to a 12x12 office with me for 40 hours a week and she handles it beautifully.

There was an issue with a guestroom we preblocked for a meeting. I double checked everything two weeks ago when I finalized contracts, everything was fine, then as if it were a surprise everyone was shocked that there was a list of VIPs coming in for the Moose. Now me I wasn't surprised because I booked the event last year in July for 2011 and 2012. I went to the first meeting in November regarding the Moose, I put together pages and pages of contracts, reviewed them and revised them and resent them more times than I can count, I read email after email from management and clients, I attended the second meeting for the Moose in January, I met with Dennis 3 times to review contracts and rooming lists, I reviewed the group resume that Xtina spent hours preparing and reviewed the email one she sent it out. The Moose checking in today was not a surprise for me or Xtina. Or anyone on the restaurant side actually. With 405 room nights coming into the hotel, hotel revenue will likely beat my catering/banquet revenue. That being said, you would have to have been living under a rock for the past 10 months to not be aware of the details. I fill her in, take care of another reservation, and tell her to call down. Crisis averted.

As I walk in the door:

"Applied Industrial canceled their lunch tomorrow. And the audit committe meeting can't be in 114! Make sure you write it on the contract and figure out where it needs to move."

"I know. I have already taken care of this." I respond, while thinking how about you focus on your job considering you suck at it.

At 1:30pm, morning crisis I thought was averted comes back. Why it hasn't been taken care of at this point, I'm not sure? Considering guests will begin checking in at any time. No one has any idea when anyone is checking in even though all the information is in the file or on the resume, no one knows the rooms were pre-blocked even though we sent all the information out Friday.

This is bullsh*t, I am not responsible for making sure you review the information for groups coming in house. Especially when you are management.

So then my boss stresses me out and then I have to conduct this meeting with our biggest clients. Boss had told me I would be running the meeting, but then sits and the head of the table and proceeds to talk out of turn about nothing important.

We end up wasting a ton of paper and all in all the meeting was ridiculous. My day proceeded much of the same so it's no wonder I retreated to the table closet in the banquet hallway to sit on a stack of checkered dance floor and drink a giant diet coke all the while trying not to cry for fear of smearing my makeup and embarassing myself yet again.

However, looking back on really St. Patty's Day til now, my life has been a little bit of a whirlwind of confusion and drama. More details to come....

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