Sunday, January 6, 2013

Life Like a Taylor Swift Song

 January 6, 2013.  I am thankful for Ryan.  I'm thankful for a job, a roof over our heads, a car to drive to work, heat.  With the year I had in 2012, I am thankful for a fresh start in 2013.  

Here we are five months later and after heartbreak for the millionth time I find myself in love again.  Somewhere we fall unavoidably.  Or maybe it’s just me.  How can we fall in love and out and in again in less than one year.  It sounds like a Taylor Swift song.  Yes, life is all just a hop skip and a jump away from a country song.  All I need now is a for my car to breakdown and Mya to runaway.  So back to the issues, I find myself in love again with a different man.  A good man.  What?!?! I know you must be thinking, there is no such thing.  And I don’t know how to tell the difference after so many times I’ve been fooled.  So I forbid myself from speaking to anyone for fear of acting the fool again.  I want this to be different, I want this to be real.  But I’m trying so hard to be everything to everyone.  The perfect girlfriend, the perfect daughter, the perfect sister, friend, boss, employee, co-worker, Christian, Dog Mommy to Mya, I literally feel exhausted just trying to do the right thing everyday.  And sometimes I feel like I can’t be the perfect girlfriend and be the perfect friend.  I try to everyone, text everyone, Dice everyone, be involved in every detail, work 40 hours, cook and clean, attend bible study… the list goes on.  Plus, I have to keep up with the X Factor.  It’s quite the busy life I lead.  

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