Sunday, October 16, 2011

Commitment Phobia

I have said this before and I will say it proudly again. Boys are dumb. Yes, boys. From this moment on I only date men. Men own alarm clocks. Men work normal hours. Men sleep on a mattress that's not on the floor. Men ask for dates. Men call to make sure you got home okay. Men open the door for you. Men pull out the chair for you. Men live alone in homes with framed photos hung on the walls and matching furniture. Men know what they want. Men aren't afraid of commitment. I read an article just recently explaining this perfectly. I'm not just talking about a commitment to a romantic relationship. I'm talking about a commitment to things, like houses, jobs, reservations. When men hear women want a commitment, they think it means a commitment to a romantic relationship and it's not that at all. It's a commitment to life, to not floating around, wasting time, playing house. I want a man who has a life. Someone who does normal life things, like cook dinner, watch How I Met Your Mother or CSI, go to bed before 2 am and get up for work prior to noon. A man calls to ask for a date Saturday night, says he can't wait to see me and schedules a date for Tuesday night. I'm sick and tired of boys who can't commit to a phone call, let alone commit to scheduling me ahead of time. I went on a date last night with a man. A man who walked me to my car, paid for my drink, held the door, called to make sure I got home safely, then called today to say he had a wonderful time and confirm our date Tuesday. I'm a little afraid to be honest, I haven't really ever dated a man. But I know that I'm on the right track.

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