Monday, March 14, 2011

Egg Carton

I'm disappointed today. A friend let me down. And that seems to be happening a lot lately. I have been telling my sponsor, Dionne, everything about my life. The other day she said to me that she thinks of relationships as holding an egg carton, there is only twelve spots that we can handle at one time. I told her about a couple people I didn't want to be friends with any more and she said, "Think of all the new people you can fit in the carton!" Sunday I told her about an experience I had with a friend on Saturday night and she said I should tell them, "I am thisclose to taking you out of my egg carton!" And that is why she is so awesome. And it's so true, I can really only probably nurture twelve at any one time. But like usual, I have taken on too much and it's time to downsize.

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