Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I don't want a relationship with you

Never let the boys come back after they have f*cked it up. It never works out the second time and the first time should have been warning enough, but as women we are forgiving creatures. And as Jessica. I am one of the most forgiving of them all. I give freely and openly. I believe that people are genuinely good. I believe that relationships can work. And I believe that he is different. I always believe that though and he never really is different. And they all say the same thing, I'm not like him. Blah blah blah. Tell your story walking. I let him come back around too. Boundaries. I set them and then don't stick to them. Something that always bites me in the ass. I was into it. A mild flirtation and some pretty heavy sexting. I am seeing someone now. Finally a really good man. But I wanted to keep Boston around a little bit longer just in case. A girl does need options. Plus it was fairly harmless. We actually haven't been together in person in almost a month and I'm pretty sure texts aren't cheating. When I'm writing them. I probably would have let it go farther but now with the latest development I don't need or want to. I don't know why as women when a man doesn't want us, we want them a little bit more. Not to mention I was curious to see what he could do in person after a couple hours of some pretty hot nights. I'm kind of a bitch. We all know this. It's not really a secret. I never promised to be sunshine and kittens all day everyday. So I text him. I wanted him to come over. I hate to be ignored. Fastest way to piss me off. What person since the invention of the cell phone doesn't have it on them? An hour maybe. You are taking a shower, getting the mail, walking the dog. I get it. But more than that and something is fishy. I forget my cell at home and it's serious cause for panic. Enough to chance being late to work to turn around and get it. I wasn't born yesterday. Come on. So I decided to say something, after being ignored all day. And I'm sick. I wanted a little TLC.

"Thanks for ignoring me all day. I hope you enjoy your day off tomorrow!" I text him. Really not the bitchiest thing I've ever said. And it wasn't really all that undeserving. I would say the same thing to any one of my friends and I have before. You can ask them.

I erased his messages. Something I do when I am angry enough. I feel like it is a cleansing of my energy and then later when I want to re-read and laugh about them to myself I'm a little annoyed for feng shuing my phone. His message said something like, you know what Jessica, I'm tired of this, I must be still leading you on, I can fix this, I don't want a relationship with you.

Hold up. First, who said anything about a relationship. Why are men always jumping to conclusions? Sometimes women just want to f*ck too. We can't say anything. Hi, how is your day going? Um, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. Uh, yeah okay. Second, I'm seeing someone now. And I wasn't going to tell you before. But now that the claws have come out, you are my back up plan. And not my back up relationship plan. My back up, he's not quite getting the job done, sext and possibly more plan. Third, come on. Look at me. I have no trouble finding men who want to play house, have sex, or send me naughty texts. I could have 90% of the straight men at work and half the gays. So really all he did was piss me off. Please. Next time save me the carpal tunnel and just weed yourself out at the beginning. I know it's hard to do. I am a pretty bad ass bitch.

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