Monday, September 16, 2013

My So Called Friends

Today I am thankful for…God.  Even though I’m angry right now or sad or whatever seems to be happening I know He is faithful.  Everything happens for a reason.  And everything happens in His time not mine.  I can rest assured knowing that He always comes through. 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”   Jeremiah 29:11.
Now.  Commit to memory.  We have the natural inclination to blame God when things don’t go how we want them to.  Whether believers or not everyone curses His name it seems.  And I am no different.  I get mad and angry and as a believer of Christ I find myself blaming Him, cursing Him, or retreating from Him.  Then humbly I admit my fault and sheepishly repent, like a child to her father. 

I have thought about writing and found myself in a place today where I finally have found my way back.  My voice had disappeared and now it’s time once again to speak up.  It seems as though nothing can ever go right at the same time.  While I now find my love life under control, I still somehow feel out of control.  I am lucky to have someone who loves me as much as Ryan.  He is a good man and I am thankful for him every day.  I still don’t know how it’s possible to have found someone like him but I am amazed by him.  I prayed every day that God would send someone to love me and I believe that he is the answer to my prayers.
I have always thought I had it planned perfectly.  I knew exactly how life would go, who I would be, what I would do, who I would love.  Now I realize I know nothing.  I could not have planned all this and while some days I feel that life is not how it “should” be, I still rest assured that there is a bigger picture and that someone much more qualified has it under control.  I find myself thinking more and more that I am the biggest obstacle in the way of all my “plans”.  I want so much for life to be a certain way that I am angry when I can’t control it.  I am hurt when things don’t go how I want.  I feel foolish now for thinking these things but will admit that I do.

Part of this comes up as I find myself not invited to a wedding for a so called friend from college.  I’m not surprised.  I’ve never been that close with her.  But it feels like a slap in the face to see all my “friends” hanging out without me for all the pre-wedding festivities.  It makes me realize that nothing is the way I think it should be.  I feel like I have wasted so much time trying to be a good friend to people that were never friends to begin with.  Yet I find myself feeling worse than I thought I would.  Then I think I should.  Since I was young I have always been trying to fit in and I never have.  In college I was always trying to be popular since I never was in high school.  I found some girls that accepted me into their friend group and I thought I had it made.  For once I was included.  But I was always different.  I never really fit in and now 6 years after college graduation those same mean girls we all know and have dealt with have found a way to make me feel like we are still in high school.  You would think after all these years it would go away.  That pressure to fit in and belong.  It turns out it doesn’t.  It makes me so sad to think that I wasted so much of life’s precious time with so called “friends”. 

I had hoped to have these girls to grow old with.  To call upon when getting married or having babies.  Instead I have found myself clinging to the idea that we were “friends” all these years when I should have known.  Instead, I have to call, text, Facebook, beg, to hang out only to have another 6+ months go by without any word.  Looking back I’ve always known I didn’t belong and if I had let go sooner maybe I would have those friendships that are true, meaningful and lasting instead of a long line of so called “friends” that I really only know through status updates. 

All of this has me really contemplating the true definition of friendship.  So I consult the Bible as I am certain that all real truth comes from here.  And while there is no specific definition for friendship I find two verses that help me to understand what friendship really means. 

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”  John 15:13 

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”  Proverbs 17: 17

It’s hard to deny the truth when you see it so plainly.  I am constantly learning about what real love is.  Real, unconditional love.  It’s what I find in my relationship.  A commitment to each other regardless of faults and mistakes.  Constant and continuous forgiveness.  I tell Ryan that I will always forgive him.  So I know that I will always forgive my so called friends.  I believe myself to be a good friend but reading these verses I know I have a lot to learn still.

 Jesus tells us to “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:36-40

Friendship and companionship are at the top of His list.  And for most of us they are at the top of ours.  We are lucky to find people in life that we can love and love us in return.  And for me it’s finally time that I let go of those who don’t really love me so I can focus my time and energy on building lasting relationships with those who do.  I guess I have to let go of who I was so I can be who I am.  And those in my life who love me like Jesus does will reveal themselves in time.