Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lost and alone...again?

I can't quite wrap my mind around it. I am sad and confused. Hurt. Things are never perfect in a relationship, but I didn't realize anything was wrong. I felt safe and comfortable. Like after all this time of trying to be someone else. I could finally be myself. So it hurts to think that maybe that's the problem. Everything happened so suddenly. We went from one great night on Halloween to this. Like everything we had been building all added up to nothing worth hanging on to. Everything I had been building I guess. Trust and respect is earned and developed. I respected you. I thought you were a good man and after one failed relationship to the next over the past year. I finally felt like I had found someone that I could have a future with. I saw us getting that house you talk about with the yard for the dogs. And you cooking in that kitchen you want. Maybe with a bar so I can sit on a stool and watch. I was fascinated by you. Such a good man, like nothing I have ever known. Patient and kind. Now it all seems so silly. Like a waste of a broken heart. I feel discouraged. In what seemed like in just an instant everything changed. And I am mad. I deserved more than just a text. And even the text I had to fight for. Did you just think you could never talk to me again and I wouldn't notice or care? Something happened that you won't tell me about and I am angry because of that. Maybe I wasn't as invested as I should have been. My heart is guarded and with reason after what I have been through the past year. In an instant you violated my heart. Took away from me everything that felt safe. I feel abandoned and cast aside. It seems easy for you. And it probably is. I have few friends up here. Neighbors I can't stand. Your life has probably barely missed a beat. In that instant I lost a friend and confidant. I guess you can't break a broken heart, but still I'm devastated. You used to make me feel beautiful. Every day, I felt lucky. Now all I think about is what I did or said. Maybe I'm not pretty enough, or funny enough, or social enough. But I thought I was enough for you. It hurts that I don't know how to be something that you miss. I'm just me. And for the past few years, being just me hasn't been enough for anyone. I am disheartened that I let you in when I didn't want to only to have that trust and respect disregarded with so little care. Not even a phone call or a quick stop to talk. Nothing. I wasn't worth anymore of your time. I'm tired of being disappointed by men. I'm embarrassed that I was obviously more invested than you and so easily abandoned. My feelings and my heart and my mind left to suffer yet another blow.

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