Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Best Friends

If I had to say for sure, I would guess that I have at least 4 best friends. I have many other close friends but there are very few people who really know me. Or I guess really know me and love me anyway. I'm not perfect. Big surprise. I usually have a couple who are boys. The boy/girl dynamic is usually very different than girl/girl. Usually because my girlfriends don't want to sleep with me, that I know of. :) I have always been a firm believer that boys and girls can be just friends. But all my "just friends" have proved me wrong recently. All I can say is don't do it. It is true, sex changes things so might as well just keep the friendship. It's hard though, to be that close to a man and not feel something other than just friends. Especially if there was something there in the past. I don't know though. With Hank we used to do stuff and then one day it just stopped and we were just friends. However that's not the case anymore as he gets drunk and wants to sleep with me. But that's just it. Same with Joey. We had actually had sex before in college. Then we were just friends. But I think that if you've been intimate before, it's maybe never possible to be just friends again. It's hard to just turn off those feelings. And then when new girlfriends come into play, they want to ditch you because they no longer have a need to keep you around when they are getting laid someplace else. Neat. I hate men like that. Joey is always good about it. I think it makes a difference that he doesn't live close enough to act on any of his impulses. Hank and I are way too close to stay close when some other girl is taking my place. It's like he wants to play house til something better comes along. Then I'm alone again, til she dumps him.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This Week

Sometimes I don't even believe things happen to me. If you ask anyone in this world, they would agree. The most random things happen to me. I have a bride right now who calls me at least twice a day. Sometimes three. I can't even believe that she can come up with more to say. And as hard as I try I can't keep the conversations under 5 minutes. My sister asked if we need to add her to our top ten so that I don't go over my minutes. I probably should. I have a couple like that. Somehow every time I get off the phone I agree to something else. Programs, sure. Monogram, yeah. Friday night meeting, definitely. What I really want to say if, we've actually exceed our package but for another $100/hour I would be happy to help. Or Friday night, I actually have plans Friday night, believe it our not I do have a life outside weddings. Instead I say Friday night works great, you can't get her til 7 that's perfect. Inner monologue - Call Darci cancel dinner Friday. Call Julie ask her to help with programs. Just say no Jessica! I can't though. My brides mean the world to me and the look on their faces on the day of is priceless. They always have and always will get the best of me. I truly love what I do.

Bride Tip #3 - Don't call your vendors more than once every other day. They will start to screen.

Monday, March 16, 2009

If Only

If only...
  • there were more hours in the day
  • the shower would wash away feelings
  • everyone were happy
  • everyone were honest in the beginning
  • the heart wasn't so fragile
  • you were on the same page at the same time
  • brides were decisive
  • he wouldn't hurt your feelings anymore
  • money were no object
  • I could forget the past
  • alcohol didn't hurt the next day
  • everyone respected you even if they don't understand you
  • you could see the outcome of something before you did it
  • you got to take back something stupid
  • everything turned out how you pictured
  • he would come knocking like the pizza guy
  • relationships were easy
  • friends were there for you regardless
  • he did want to see you again
  • your wedding wasn't so stressful
  • all of your family got along
  • they wouldn't put you in the middle
  • everyone kept in contact
  • we didn't have to spend the majority of our time working
  • you could shred your memories as easily as you can pictures
  • he called the next day
  • it were that easy
Bridal Tip #2 - Not everyone else in the world thinks it IS that urgent. Give your vendors a break, unlike you, this is not the only wedding in their world.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Love Sick

So I recently attempted something completely foreign to me, I am trying a friendship with my ex-boyfriend. Now I know what you are thinking, have you gone mad? Has all this love and relationships finally got to you? It could be true. As if things weren't bad enough the first time, we thought we try it again. We weren't your typical couple either, didn't break up, make up, try again, break up, and repeat. We broke up and it was over. Til now I guess.

It's so touch and go. I don't know most days what I'm doing so why would this be any different. I know I'm not the first one to ever try this on, but really when women say let's stay friends, they really only mean let's stay friends until you realize how amazing I am and we get back together. But that's not what I'm thinking. I like being friends with him.

So now what? How does this all work? All of a sudden we are girlfriends who chat on the phone, hang out with each others families, and trade relationship advice. It's not as easy as that. There are all these old feelings to sort out. I wonder why now? Why three years later do we think it's a good time to reconnect? I'm not sure. I am sure I was 97% over all this before I started being friends with him last November. But now that other 3% come out. All the insecurities, the hurt, the love, the time it all took to heal. It's all very real again.

I'm not sure that that is a good thing. So I guess the next step is figuring out how we take that passion and that love to a purely platonic relationship. Can it be done you wonder? I'm about to find out.

I'll keep you posted.

Bridal Tip #1 - "Do you know what love is? It's a marketing tool." Keep in mind ladies, your wedding is not it for you. This is the beginning of a lifelong relationship, it is not about shredded or mashed potatoes.

XOXO - The Event Diva