Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Best Friends

If I had to say for sure, I would guess that I have at least 4 best friends. I have many other close friends but there are very few people who really know me. Or I guess really know me and love me anyway. I'm not perfect. Big surprise. I usually have a couple who are boys. The boy/girl dynamic is usually very different than girl/girl. Usually because my girlfriends don't want to sleep with me, that I know of. :) I have always been a firm believer that boys and girls can be just friends. But all my "just friends" have proved me wrong recently. All I can say is don't do it. It is true, sex changes things so might as well just keep the friendship. It's hard though, to be that close to a man and not feel something other than just friends. Especially if there was something there in the past. I don't know though. With Hank we used to do stuff and then one day it just stopped and we were just friends. However that's not the case anymore as he gets drunk and wants to sleep with me. But that's just it. Same with Joey. We had actually had sex before in college. Then we were just friends. But I think that if you've been intimate before, it's maybe never possible to be just friends again. It's hard to just turn off those feelings. And then when new girlfriends come into play, they want to ditch you because they no longer have a need to keep you around when they are getting laid someplace else. Neat. I hate men like that. Joey is always good about it. I think it makes a difference that he doesn't live close enough to act on any of his impulses. Hank and I are way too close to stay close when some other girl is taking my place. It's like he wants to play house til something better comes along. Then I'm alone again, til she dumps him.

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