Sunday, May 24, 2009

You want a piece of me

Wedding season this year has got me down in the dumps. I’m feeling lonely and the thought of happy couples makes me want to throw up a little bit. I got a wedding invitation in the mail yesterday and I thought to myself, if one more person I know gets married I’m gonna kill someone. I have been so busy with work and I just feel like I can’t catch a break lately. It seems like everyone wants a piece of me -my brides, my parents, my sisters, my boss, my friends.

Sometimes people tell me that I don’t ever say no and that’s the problem. It’s easy for people to take advantage. I had a bride cancel on me recently and it always makes me so mad because I have already done so much work at this time. And they don’t realize. And I can’t be the terrible person that still invoices her for my time when her fiancé just lost his job. I have a rather large wedding tomorrow night and I had told the bride she could come drop stuff off at 11 this morning. They left at 5:45PM and acted like I was the huge inconvenience when I told them they had to go. It’s hard to catch some down time these days and lately that’s all I want. I just want a break from life and work and weddings. I had a fundraiser on Saturday and it was the same situation. A bunch of bitchy people who expected gold when they had already received silver. Makes me feel like I can quite do anything right these days. I have Kira's wedding this weekend. She keeps apologizing for being a bridezilla and she is the farthest from what I have been dealing with lately. Probably because she works with me on a daily basis and knows what I'm capable of. Unless I'm stressed, my brides have no reason to worry.

Event Tip #2 - It's understandable to get stressed the day of the event. Something is bound to go wrong. Don't yell at the people who are able to fix it. Nothing gets accomplished that way.

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