Sunday, May 24, 2009


I was hanging out with my best friend who is leaving me tomorrow for a man in Oklahoma. We were shopping one day and driving to get pumpkin blizzards, just a typical day in our lives that will change tomorrow. We came up with these nicknames together and were laughing so hard because they are so true. Just goes to show you - If you don't want me to write about you, You shouldn't do bad things...

Some are mine, some are hers, enjoy and take creativity making your own. It's helps, I promise.

Dirty-boss Johnny, I'm in love with Aurora Ian, Dry Hump Shane, Strip Club Andy, Sextexter Daniel, E.D. Jonathan, Too Cool Corey, Don't Hurt Yourself Mike, Hey Arnold Tommy, I'm so sorry Isaiah, Joe Grace DJ, DITM Skylar, Bad Sex Matt, I'm moving to Minnesota Andrew, Closed mouth Clinton, Creepy Chris, Stalker Steve, Jailbait Garrett, Griffindwarf, High Maintainence Hayden

I'll think of more and let you know.

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