Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Flame to a paper

His dark eyes dared me with danger and sparks fly like flame to a paper. Fire in his touch burning me up, but still I held on.

It feels like my heart is on fire. I can’t quite breathe all the way. I'm so frustrated and I feel so trapped to say anything about it. I'm stuck in this gray area...again. How did I end up here? Was it me? Was it him? A combination of too many issues and way to much baggage to come together as a productive healthy relationship. My heart hurts again. I feel alone and worse even, I feel lonely. I miss him and I didn't know that was possible. Everything happened so fast. It was like a fire. That first night was the spark and it was only a matter of time before the whole thing went up in flames. My girlfriends keep saying, whatever, you are better than that, he's an asshole. They would never tell me that maybe in fact, it's me that's the problem.

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