Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Catch and Release

My sister said it couldn't be done. You cannot catch and release mice. But I don't want to hurt him. I want to usher him outside because I'm disgusted in a friendly non-threatening manner. So I got the sticky mouse traps and I put peanut butter on them like Julie said and I set them out around the house. I am watching Criminal Minds and I hear something in the kitchen so I run in to find my worthless hunting dog, who hid through the entire mouse discovery, caught in a sticky mouse pad. I pull it off her paw afraid as she cries. We go up to bed even though I am scared the mouse will decide to venture out of the kitchen and up the stairs into my room. I get up in the morning, like a child on Christmas, to check my mouse traps, still unsure what to do if there is one there. I hear him, he is stuck to the trap. Just his tail, the rest of him under the dishwasher. I gently tug on the mouse pad, trying not to rip his tail off and/or vomit. He is squealing away and I feel really bad. I am finally able to get him free and he is dangling from the pad by his tail. I haven't thought this through, so I run outside. He is crying and I'm talking to him like the dog. "Okay, sweet boy (I think he's a boy), just trying to get your tail free, calm body." It doesn't work, because after all he is a mouse but after a few minutes of careful tugging, I free his tail, run in the house, shut the door, and throw up (because it's gross). Then peek out the window and he's sitting outside cleaning himself. Jessica Waters, Catch and Release Mouse Hunter, it can be done.

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