Sunday, January 2, 2011

She Don't Need a Man

Jay-Z said to me that I was too independent. He wanted to take care of someone and that I don't need that. It's true. I have been on my own for a long time. Taking care of my heart, my home, my career, my finances. I live a nice life, filled with blessings. I love my independence. I really do value being able to take care of myself. I watched my mom growing up and I watch my mom now, she was able to take care of everything alone. She still does. I place value in being able to succeed without a man. A confidence that I can stand alone and I will until the right man comes along. Men are constantly promising things. Boston told me he would fix the clutch in the Kia. Jay-Z told me he would clean that pot I burned. A friend told me he would fix the front door that lets in cold air. The promises are endless. And yet I fight the clutch every morning, I threw the pot away, and the house is still freezing. I am skeptical for a reason. So I baked cookies tonight. Then decided to make dinner as I reached for a pot a mouse ran from the stove and hid under the dishwasher. I screamed and leapt onto the kitchen table, where I proceeded to sit while exhausted every contact in my phone looking for help. Jay-Z, Boston, Andrew, Eli, no answer. I'm freaking out! Calling a man to rescue the woman completely in despair. Fifteen minutes later, with no responses, the panic began to cease and I called my mom. She walked me through the steps of catching a mouse. I climbed down off the kitchen table, terrified. I can hear it munching away on something and I want to vomit. I drove to Fred Meyer, bought some sticky mouse traps and set them up in the kitchen. I have no idea what I will do if I catch something. But I definitely know I can't count on any man to come to the rescue. So yes, I have learned to be independent because otherwise nothing would ever get done.

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