Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1

So today is the day. I'm taking a month off men, except my gays. 31 days there are in March, 4 weekends. The thought of it gives me anxiety, but day one is almost done and so far so good. I did already have to turn down one invite, but it really wasn't one I wanted anyway so it was fairly easy to turn down. However, I met a man this past weekend and he made me giddy for the first time in a long time. I want him to call, but if he does, then what? My immediate reaction to the exchange of phone numbers, which happens oh so frequently was that he will never call anyway so I do not need to worry. Then again it's only Tuesday. It's amazing freedom to have four weekends, no dates. Except with my girls and my gays. Whatever will I do... That's the amazing part, whatever I want.

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