Saturday, October 22, 2011

Life is a highway, I want to ride it all night long

Man, my life is messed up. I sometimes wonder if shit like this happens to other people. Today, woke up around 9 for a doctors appointment at 10:30. Showed up at 10:30am. Waited til 11:05 then told the receptionist I needed to leave for work at 11:15. She told me I should allow for an hour at the doctor, I said I don't understand why I need to allow for an hour if I made an appointment at 10:30? The nurse called me back to check my blood pressure and it was high. Of course it's high, I'm pissed off for waiting 40 minutes and I'm going to be late for work. I arrive on property right on time at 11:30. We have a big event tomorrow with a guest that I don't even know how to describe. She is a bitch. In a good way. I like her, she tells it like it is, but how it is isn't the 50s anymore. It's 2011, a $1000 event and 10 room nights is not big business. I don't even spend as much time with my huge groups that fill the hotel and take all the meeting space. The Moose are way less of a pain in my ass. Then bitchy office politics. FML. I can't stand power trips, everyone I work with is usually on a powertrip. Except my precious Xtina. I have enough to deal with on a daily basis then stroking egos and following rules. If its not hurting the company and/or seriously distrupting anyone's work environment, who f*cking cares. I follow rules don't get me wrong. I just don't appreciate being controlled. What purpose does it serve to break people down? So I got over it. Finish the day avoiding eye contact with Boston in an always awkward work exchange. I'm afraid to look in his eyes for fear of fainting, catching more feelings, showing vulnerablity, all of the above. I run home to change and then head back unpaid to visit with my clients and save face. I'm uncomfortable and out of my element. I run up to my office and flirt with the cute boy at the front desk. Head back to the ballroom and try on hats with our restaurant assistant manager. I'm leaving after an hour and a half of shmoozing and run into Holly in the parking lot. Kennedy school? Why not? I'm mad that Holly invites another friend cause I hate being the third wheel. After a shot of Jameson I don't really care. Jessy pops out of the woodwork with a cute guy and we proceed to gush over not seeing each other since July. Random. G is texting me we have plans tomorrow. I head home after being ditched by my companions to find my way back to the car that's parked three miles away. New text. Harry. Hey babe, up for a chat? No, I'm not up for a chat. Tired, grumpy, half drunk. I want to watch Nikita and lay on the couch. New text. My neighbor. Me and the fam would love to have you over. My daughter loves dogs. No joke. I received those messages. In response to a conversation we had a week ago today after he awkwardly told me "we should hang out". I think he may be trying to invite me into some creepy threesome. It's 12:08 and I have to live this life again tomorrow. Better get to bed.

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