Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life and family

Life or life as we know it. For most of us, it consists of work, home, some television, bed. Family and friends on the weekend if your really lucky. I am really lucky. I have my family and friends close enough to be around when I want and need them, and not when I don't. For those of us who are lucky like me you will understand where I am coming from. I love my family. I do. They have always been there for me, regardless of what mistakes I am making and how many times I choose to make them. They are there for me, whether they are supportive or not is another story. My life as I know it is like most. Bed, work, home, TV, bed. I do watch an obscene amount of TV. But that is not all I do. I love to read and write, walk with the dogs, clean the house and listen to music, study and work. But I usually have the TV on too. I like the sound and the people's voices. I love living alone. But I love to be around people. It's comfortable to me. I guess it's just what I'm used to. The point being who are we if we think we can judge what makes someone else happy. I wonder sometimes if my family really even knows me. Like would they like me at all if they didn't have to. I know they would. I think that is why God gave them to me, so that I would make it through this world. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have. And even though sometimes they drive me crazy. I know they just want whats best for me. But shouldn't they realize that maybe I know whats best for me. I tell you what though. I am lucky. Because I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here.

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