Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Mya

Mya. I have only had Mya for a little over a month. I'm still not really sure how I ended up with her. But I love her. I remember driving home after picking her up and thinking to myself this is crazy. I can't have two dogs. What am I doing? How is this going to work? What is everyone going to think? Two dog is a lot of work. I didn't tell anyone about her. I didn't want to listen to what everyone else thought. I knew what I was thinking and what is best for my family. Mav is my family. He has been a completely different dog now that we have an addition. He loves Mya. They could play together for hours. She is good for me too. She needs exercise and love and attention. It a quite the experience having a puppy. It is overwhelming and exciting and tiring. It is crazy how my priorities change from being about me to being about her and Mav. I think they have saved my life time and time again. My favorite things about Mya. Her whole body shakes when her tail wags. She is the most loving creature in the world. I am doing my best to train her, but it is incredibly hard for me to say no to that face. She sits at on the floor by my bed and looks from me to the bed every night hoping to get in. Sometimes I let her. She listens to everything I say. 3/4 of the time she does what I say. She loves to cuddle and be held. She likes to sleep under the covers. She makes a weird low howl sound when I tell her to do something she doesn't want to do. Her and Mav are opposites and its a perfect match. He doesn't cuddle, she does. She doesn't share, he does. Their energy level matches each other. My biggest pet peeve about Mya, when she jumps onto the couch full force at 100 mph.

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