Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Things have been crazy lately. Very busy. It's that time of year again. Where friends have to schedule me at least a month in advance, Monday through Wednesday because I'm never free on Saturday. Sometimes its hard to have a personal life in this line of work. When I have time, I'm too tired for anything and anyone. My clients require so much of my time and my energy, I can't have personal thoughts or feelings on their time. On Friday, I had so much going on in my head my bride asked me if I was feeling alright. She said I wasn't my usual bubbly self. I told her I wasn't feeling well. On Saturday, I made sure that she was the only thing on my mind. She said the day was perfect, until we experienced my very first wedding crashers. Yes it's true apparently they do exist. I was so angry with myself for letting my personal life get the best of me and that she actually noticed. It's not about me in this job. No one cares if that guy I like never called me back. Or that one I don't won't stop calling. Or that Britney Spears kept me out until 2:30 in the morning and that I spent the three hour drive home trying to dissect my feelings and figure out what's wrong with me. That's why I was tired and cranky. Because I feel in the same place as before I spent hours soul searching and I'm no closer to answers. Then I get angrier because I know I'm being stupid and irrational. I don't want to feel the way that I do and I definitely don't want it to affect me at my work. I'm feeling better after a diet coke and some peanut butter M&Ms. I'll just chalk it up to a bad weekend. I'm taking this one off before I jump in with both feet for my thousand person weekend next week. I'll let you know how that goes.

-The Event Diva

Bridal Tip #4 - Your day is all about you. Don't let any small detail (like a wayward flower girl) get you down. You won't remember.

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