Wednesday, January 13, 2010

He's Just Not That Into .... Me

How do you know when enough is enough? My head says enough, my heart says keep trying. I don't trust him, I am angry still. I keep giving him chances to prove me wrong and he still hasn't. Why do I allow him to treat me this way? All he does is hurt me. Just when I think things are going good, he does a 180 and I'm alone again. I'm not even surprised is the sucky thing. I knew this would happen. It's funny though... As much as I want to move on, the desire to stay is just as strong. Why does the heart put up with so much? I want him and I hate him all at the same time. I'm so mad and I'm numb at the same time. I honestly don't want to lose him. But is loving him worth all the pain. How can I be so crazy about him, when he is so indifferent to me? Greg Behrendt says he's just not that into me. I was reading the other day and I literally threw my book across the room because I was so angry that he was so right. He's just not that into me.

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