Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cooking and cleaning and working oh my

I spend 90% of my day responding to other people's needs. My clients, my boss, my assistant, my dog. I want someone who takes care of me at the end of the day. I have to keep control of myself and my team, 40+ hours a week. Then I get off and my mom calls, or my sister, my girlfriend, Buzz. I am trapped on the phone, even though I don't really want to talk but they need to be taken care of too. So I just make conversation. And then I politely excuse myself from the conversation. Tommy says he needs someone else. Someone to take care of him, cook and clean. Even though the feminist in me hates me a little for saying this, I want to be taken care of too. I don't need someone to pay for me, I can make my own money. I want someone to be there when I get home and ask how my day was. Someone who listens when I talk. Offers advice when I need it. I would love to cook and clean for him. Bake cookies at night and plate his food like Vicki does for my dad. I think it's reciprocal. I want the emotional support and I'll give him everything else. I like the idea of being a working mom with a stay at home dad. I love to work. I'm good at it. When I come home at the end of the day, I want my man to be the man. To take care of me for once since all day long I take care of business. I need someone man enough to take care of me, if I wanted to date another woman, I'd be a lesbian. I remember the night I made dinner for Buzz at my new house. We watched a movie after dinner and I cuddled up to him on the couch. For that one moment in time, I felt so complete. So safe and content. But one moment isn't enough to translate into a relationship. He says I don't have what he needs and realistically he doesn’t have what I need either.

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