Friday, August 20, 2010

The Blame Game

I am tired. Tired of feeling sad and overwhelmed. Hopeless. For woman at this stage, many thoughts run through our minds. Vindication. Redemption. Our minds are full of what ifs, and what might have been. Maybe what SHOULD have been. There are many reasons relationships fail. We like to blame them on you. But what if all along the problem is us. Me in particular. I do seem to be the common denominator. Maybe all this time I thought he wasn't ready and really all this time its been me. I have so much going on that I need to work on. I can't even begin to think about someone else to. But I want to. I want so much to be in a relationship with a good man, who really loves me. I'm not even sure I know one of those or if it really exists. But I can be hopeful. Even when there are so many reasons to give up and so many temptations to resist. It's not easy to do when there are so many reasons not to believe.

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