Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Ex

So I don't think it's working. This whole friends with the ex thing. I feel as though he is treating me just like he did when we were together. He ignores me and everything is on his terms. Daily or at least biweekly, I want to email him or call him and bitch him out. Maybe it's just because it's easy. I feel as though with him it's easy to be angry or frustrated or mad as hell. I don't know if this is because I am honestly just really mad at him from the past or because of his actions in the present. I am still angry with him. I feel that he moved on so easily like it never bothered him. Which goes back to the whole abandonment thing. I feel as though he abandoned me and he just thinks he moved on to some other girl to fill his emptiness. And what now. I am angry that he doesn't care about our past or our future. I would love to be friends with him. But I don't think we are friends. I think we are past lovers stuck in limbo. We aren't friends like Jocelyn and I are friends. We don't call and chat when I am at Walmart for an hour about the men in our lives and our hopes and dreams. I text him something and maybe hear back in a week or so. It's a crock of shit. I know better than this. That's why I don't call or email him to bitch him out. I do actually still want him around. I want to be able to call him up if I'm in Bend and have him dog sit. I'm not sure I want him to call me when he's in Salem to hang out. I guess it's all part of the learning process. I'll keep you posted.

XOXO- The Event Diva

Bridal Tip #5 - You are probably the only one incredibly happy the day of. As much as everyone cares about you, give it a rest.

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