Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Opportunity Check

So after my girls beach weekend, I am feeling back to my fabulous self. It was exactly what I needed to realize that that boy is stupid for not realizing how amazing I really am. So maybe I'm a little intense. And sometimes I get dark, but to be fair I never promised anyone sunshine and rainbows. That's just not me. My phone had an unfortunate accident last week and in one of the most liberating experiences of my life, I lost all my contacts. Now I know you are probably thinking how devastating, not liberating. But I feel free. Now only people/guys who call me will ever get to talk to me again. I am so sick of all these men with their games and their attitudes. It's time for an opportunity check. I don't need you, sometimes I want you around, but life will still go on without. J.O. is having some boy troubles of her own these days. It makes me so mad that some stupid boy doesn't understand how lucky he is to even be considered. Hello? My girlfriends are some hot, talented, smart, beautiful inside and out women. Where are the respectable, decent men at? The ones who call when they say they are going to and are where they say they are and answer the phone when you call or text. I'm still looking.

PS. I got an email from a bride at 1:59AM Saturday. She says she is desperate to meet with me. Her wedding is in October.

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