Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Wedding Dress

So today I had to stop at David's Bridal to drop some brochures off and I actually thought about staying and trying wedding dresses on. Are you kidding me? Who knew I could catch wedding fever. And the thing is I really don't even want to get married. Especially at this point in time. No thank you. I am hopeful for the future though. I think that a working, loving relationship would be something to look forward too. Too bad it's never happening for me. And actually never really happening for anyone around me. Besides my brides. It's kind of a bummer for me to when I meet all these really cool, slightly crazy women and I get to be best friends with them for sometimes a year and then never see them again. Unless on the off chance they get married again. Which I honestly hope not. I want every marriage to work that I have been part of, so I don't let the reality of it get me down.

Yes, I got all of this from a wedding dress.

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