Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am surprised by how bad I feel about this latest situation. It's hard to be around people who are happy and in love when the thought of this latest boy drama literally makes me want to strangle them the next time the tell me that their fiance stuffed all the response cards in the envelopes. I tell you one thing though, cute groomsman is one of the perks of the job. I met one last night. I got trapped in a spontaneous appointment when I was at the bar trying to enjoy dollar beers. An impromptu business card exchange and a scheduled appointment makes me think this wedding may not be so bad. It's hard ladies to put yourself out there. I wonder if he has a girlfriend and I automatically think that he is probably a giant tool and womanizing man whore like every other man in my life. Yes it's true, I am that jaded. I can't remember how I got here. I can't remember the last time I felt normal about relationships. Maybe before my first wedding season. Now I don't know if it scares men away that my whole job revolves around weddings and relationships. Or maybe I scare them away because I do still secretly want that for myself. Or maybe it's just me and it's not quite my turn to be happy. Inside joke. I am happy in most areas of my life, I just have to work on the relationship sector.

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