Friday, June 5, 2009


All this time I realized and believed that things would change. I never thought that I was one of those things. But even from last year to now, I'm not the same. Every day that passes and every new experience is changing me. I see people from my past and I feel as though I don't fit with them anymore. I am different. I still enjoy hanging out with them, I'm just different. This has been on my mind for awhile thinking about how I am always afraid of everyone's reactions to everything I do. What if they put themselves in my shoes? How would they feel if they couldn't be themselves around me. If I was constantly judging them. I feel as though maybe it's selfish, but really I just don't think that much about other people, except when I am worried about their reaction. It makes me mad that some people can be so judgmental all the time. I'm just living my life. I believe that life is a gift and I am living. I make mistakes, just like everyone else, but it seems sometimes that mine are magnified. Everyone says I have the tendency to be a drama queen. But maybe my life is just more interesting. I think the point of relationships is to grow and change with each other along the way. That's why marriages and relationships fail, when one person doesn't change or doesn't like the new person someone has become. It's like with my family. For some reason it seems like they are critical of everything that I do. My horoscope today said that I should lower my expectations of people so they don't disappoint me. I've come to expect it now and I feel like now they've lost the opportunity to know what I'm doing most the time until after it's done. I do value their opinions, but at some point somethings got to give.

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