Thursday, June 4, 2009


I was without internet for almost a month at home so I'm finally back on line. It's time now to start looking at the business again. Sue and I are meeting in a couple weeks to sort it out. I'm kind of excited. I had thought that it was never going to happen for me. I always think that if you work hard enough and you keep believing then it will. I think this is the year for me to take over. I am ready for it. I know what it takes and I have what it takes to do it. I just have to keep working at it and take the patience to wait and let it take shape on it's own. The recent turn of events has really helped me put my life and my work in perspective. Kira's wedding was last weekend and I worked morning to night for three days in a row. Not to mention all the preparation for the week of. I realized that I really do love what I do. I was tired and sore, emotionally and physically, and yet at 11 at night of day two I still had a smile on my face. I'm not sure I can or I want to do anything else. Life hit me hard this week. I finally had time to slow down and really feel everything that I had been thinking about over the past couple weeks. I was surprised by my ability to completely put everything else out of my mind and just focus on her. Everything went as well as we could expect. A few minor issues, like most weddings. I was down this week though once I finally had a moment to think about everything. But I'm doing okay. I'm going to be okay. Just have patience. Things will change.

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