Monday, June 29, 2009


Home. Everyday this word takes on new meaning for me. I just got home after a week long vacation. As I was driving home tonight I realized that I am lucky to be where I’m at. There are so many people in this world who don’t get to drive home to family or friends. That don’t know what that feeling is like. It’s always bittersweet though. I didn’t want to live OKC and Darci. It makes me sad. And I am contemplating the idea of making a change depending on where this year may take me. It’s too early to tell. I have always thought that I had to move somewhere to have a real “life”. That I wasn’t really living if I wasn’t someplace besides where I grew up, someplace amazing like New York or Seattle. But after spending a week experiencing a new walk of life, I realized this is what life is all about. Being near your family and having close friends, even those only a flight away, taking vacation with your girlfriends while you’re young and single, sitting at mom’s on a Sunday afternoon eating BBQ and watching the dogs run. I’m living life and I must say I have a pretty nice one.

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