Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I don't know how things fell apart so quickly. It was like all of sudden there I was looking at my dream, now here I am further away then before. I truly believe that everything does happen for a reason, so I know that there is a reason for all this to be happening now instead of how I'd planned it. I just feel like I lost control, I had everything worked out and then in an instant it's all gone. I'm scared to try again. I already feel like such a failure, I'm not sure I can go through it all again. But I guess it's all a learning process. I am just frustrated because I'm not quite sure how to get it all back. I have been trying to refocus, change my energy a bit. I imagine that I'll work through it on my own in a matter of time and everyone else will just have to wait. I have been looking at myself in the mirror and I'm not sure I even know who I am anymore. Something has changed. I'm so much further away from what I wanted to be doing. I barely see brides anymore. My job has taken me out of the field and into an office with no windows and bitchy coworkers. I have no idea how this all happened. It's devastating to take a blow like this and figure out exactly where to go from here. It is liberating to know that I will figure it out.

Event tip: Don't worry about it. I'm sure it's not that big of deal.

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