Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Work is getting to me. I thought I would last longer working the two jobs then I have so far. Seems like I was stronger in Seattle. Or just had better will power. I'm tired, it runs me ragged working all day and night. It's completely messed my schedule up. Working til late, too much caffeine, too little sleep. I'm sure it has got to catch up to me sooner rather than later. Thinking back to last week, I'm not even sure how I made it til now. No wonder my patience was wearing thin with everyone today. It's like I have been spending so much time with people, being my fake self that I forgot who I really am. It's true though I have a completely seperate persona that works with my clients. Keeps me sane. It would be funny though if they knew the real me. I'm just a lot less perky, a lot less caring, a lot more cynical. Funny. I genuniely love people though. That's why this life works for me. Maybe I can't remember their drink but I can remember that their dogs name is Morrison and they just resided their house with green, maroon, and white. I'm sure they would rather I just get their drinks though.

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